
Territory Check-in App

Check in to Territory venues using a contactless QR code.


The system was designed so that Territorians and Territory visitors only need to enter their details once before the app uses a contactless QR code per venue to enable sign in.

Key information

Northern Territory Government
Launched in December 2020.

NT Health safely and securely stores the user’s information, and was only accessed for contact tracing purposes. After 28 days of storage, the personal details are destroyed as the contact tracing would no longer be required.

In it’s first week of operation:

  • Over 30,000 people had downloaded the app
  • There had been over 27,000 check-ins recorded in the NT
  • Almost 1,500 businesses had implemented the Check-in App Barcodes at the front door of their premises.

Get it on Google Play/Apple Play image

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