
Support local businesses to expand their digital capability


Support local businesses to expand their digital capability, to use digital technology and transformation to improve their business, grow their workforce and be competitive.


The government's Business Upskills Workshops will expand their focus to include digital transformation to assist Territory businesses to be competitive.


It is becoming essential for businesses of all sizes and in all sectors to have a digital presence and use digital technologies to improve and sustain their operations.

NT business owners can attend any of the free workshops to become more digitally confident and knowledgeable. The workshops will guide businesses with their digital journeys to facilitate business improvement.

2019 progress update

In 2018-19, five Upskills Workshops were held with 140 Attendees discussing advanced social media, marketing online and developing an effective website.

A recent external evaluation of the program showed that the most significant number of attendees across all Upskills workshops were those in Advanced Social Media and Developing an Effective Website.

2019-20 Upskills procurement is currently being developed based on attendee feedback, consultant feedback and the external review.

TreeTi Business Consulting is delivering the Australian Small Business Advisory Services – Digital Solutions. They are providing one-on-one advisory support, interactive webinars and workshops in four key areas of:

  • website and online selling
  • using small business software
  • social media and digital marketing
  • online security and data privacy.

Department of Trade, Business and Innovation has a cross-referral system in place with the company to support businesses on the digital journey.

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