
Remote Areas Issues and Engagement system (RAISE)


Develop a Remote Areas Issues and Engagement System (RAISE) to capture and respond to remote community issues and questions.


The RAISE system will enable more effective and timely responses to issues and requests relating to remote communities by providing a common point to capture, assess, assign and resolve these matters.


A more co-ordinated approach across government to resolving requests and issues raised by communities.

2020 progress update

A review of the RAISE Pilot has been completed. A dedicated platform has been identified and work is progressing to implement RAISE.

Update June 2021

The RAISE (Remote Areas Issues and Engagement System) pilot was completed late 2020 to capture and respond to remote community issues and questions. The Pilot's lessons have been captured and are informing an updated version of RAISE under development for trial by Top End remote teams in 2021.

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