
Prepare an approach for developing cyber security awareness programs


Prepare an approach for developing cyber security awareness programs designed to support vulnerable and digitally disadvantaged Territorians.


Cyber criminals are known to target vulnerable people. Government will work with the community sector to find effective ways to inform and assist digitally disadvantaged Territorians to be better protected online.

Community groups will be engaged to provide a better understanding of the cyber needs and effective learning approaches for this cohort. Community input into the development of cyber security resources such as advice and awareness education will be sought.

Development of cyber security programs that are suited to helping digitally vulnerable Territorians will be considered after this engagement stage.


It is important that all Territorians can access support and guidance to help them remain active and protected online.

The privacy and finances of vulnerable people will be better safe-guarded, providing less opportunity for cyber criminals.

2019 progress update

Cyber security awareness programs were delivered to Senior Territorians for the first time as part of Cyber Security Awareness month in October 2018. Opportunities to develop programs for other vulnerable and disadvantaged groups are being investigated for the 2019 Cyber Security Awareness Program.

2020 progress update

Cyber security awareness programs were delivered to Senior Territorians for the first time as part of Cyber Security month. A series of social media videos on key cyber-smart practices targeting Aboriginal and Aged residents will be released in 2020.

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