
Monitor the national development of digital identification technology

Monitor development of digital identification technology at the national level that will enable the government to verify Territorians' identities, expediting processing times and reducing the need for paper-based proof of identity.


Monitor development of digital identification technology at the national level that will enable the government to verify Territorians' identities, expediting processing times and reducing the need for paper-based proof of identity.


The move to digital services and an increasingly online lifestyle means governments need to use digital technology to identify citizens instead of the traditional paper or card forms of ID. This has many benefits and some real challenges.

Work is progressing across Australia to establish effective ways to set up and manage digital identities, including data protection and administration costs.

The NT Government is monitoring developments and participating in discussions with a view to leveraging national solutions.


Community expectations for digital identification are increasing as the use of mobile services grows.

Governments are moving to enable digital identities for citizens to make it easier for people to access services.

Some challenges will need to be overcome to deliver trusted and protected solutions, with the benefits including greater accessibility, increased personal security and lower costs.

2019 progress update

The NT Government is monitoring work being done in this area by the Australian Government and other jurisdictions through involvement in national groups such as the Australian Data and Digital Council, interjurisdictional CIO Forum and the Australian Government's Digital Identity Roundtable.

2020 progress update

The Australian Government is finalising legislation to allow the rollout of digital identities for use by states and territories. A scan of NT legislation is being conducted to identify blockers that would hinder the use of digital identies in the NT.

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