
Establish the NT's first Business Innovation Strategy

Establish the Northern Territory's first Business Innovation Strategy setting out the NT Government's plan to facilitate and support business-led innovation.


Establish the Northern Territory's first Business Innovation Strategy setting out the NT Government's plan to facilitate and support business-led innovation.


Innovation is key to sustainability and growth. The Business Innovation Strategy will set out the NT Government's plan to facilitate and support business-led innovation.

The use of emerging digital technology in business is driving innovation worldwide and digital initiatives will be core to supporting innovation in the Territory.


The innovation strategy supports growth in the Territory economy and encourages business diversification and sustainability. Innovation can open up new markets and business opportunities for the local business sector.

2019 progress update

The Northern Territory Business Innovation Strategy, launched on 9 October 2018, focuses on strengthening the Territory's business innovation culture and creating a sustainable innovation ecosystem.

The Strategy outlines the Northern Territory Government's approach to ignite, inspire and intensify the innovation ecosystem locally. All actions are underway, with 14 of the 32 actions implemented so far.

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