Digitise, update and expand the government's cyber security awareness program to reach more Territorians.
The NT Government has delivered a substantial cyber security awareness program over the past two years for small businesses, government staff and the local ICT industry. The programs have been open to the public with briefings provided in city and regional centres.
It is time to transition the program to a digital format with sessions to be available online by 2019. This will enable a range of digital programs to be incrementally created that are tailored to particular audience groups, needs and skill levels.
Moving cyber security education into a digital program will enable the NT Government to reach a wider audience and will allow business owners, community groups and interested people to work through the information when and where it is convenient for them.
Tailored programs will make it easier for people to find information that suits their circumstances and take steps to protect themselves online. Digital programs tend to cost less than non-digital alternatives. This will enable the suite of programs to be expanded and extended to a broader range of audience groups.
2019 progress update
The government’s cyber awareness program was digitised in 2018, delivering a digital internal end user awareness campaign for NTG employees and releasing video training tools for the small business and community sector on the becybersmart website.
The program was also expanded in 2018 to include a focus on the Defence supply chain for the business community.
Digitisation will also be a feature in the 2019 program with the release of a social media cyber awareness campaign aimed to support the seniors and indigenous community.