
Determine how best to collect data in remote communities

Determine how best to collect data in remote communities so that this information can be used in future Telstra digital inclusion index reports.


Determine how best to collect data in remote communities so that this information can be used in future Telstra digital inclusion index reports.


Telstra publishes and periodically updates a digital inclusion index for Australia that provides a snapshot of digital progress across the country. Data for the NT's remote communities has not been included due to difficulties with data capture and reliability.

Members of the local digital industry have expressed interest in collaborating with Telstra to enable more NT data, particularly for remote communities, to be collected for future index reports.


Bringing data for the NT's remote communities into the index will improve its coverage and provide reliable measures for the NT that can be tracked over time.

This will enhance the index, providing a better measure of digital inclusion in remote parts of Australia and the extent to which this is changing over time.

2019 progress update

The Centre for Appropriate Technology (CfAT) was contracted by Telstra to undertake Digital Inclusion Surveys in three remote NT indigenous communities; Ali Curung, Yarralin and Alpurrurulam.

The surveys were completed for each community in 2018 and reports have been provided to Telstra.

Ali Curung has had mobile phone services for some time and two communities have mobile service planned but yet to go 'live' (Yarralin and Alpurrurulam). Follow up visits are planned for Yarralin and Alpurrurulam to compare community Digital Inclusion Survey responses before and after local mobile service is provided.

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