
Consider approaches that will attract skilled digital professionals to the NT

Consider approaches that will attract skilled digital professionals to the Territory in line with the NT Population Strategy and supplement the digital workforce.


Consider approaches that will attract skilled digital professionals to the Territory in line with the NT Population Strategy and supplement the digital workforce.


The Population Strategy identifies a clear economic need to increase the Northern Territory's population.

Additionally, the Australian Computer Society projects ICT job growth in the NT of close to 2.9% each year for at least six years.

While digital skills development programs will improve capacity over the longer term, there is a need to supplement the local skills base in the near term to meet demand and extend capability.

Government's major digital transformation programs can assist to leverage skills expansion by bringing highly skilled ICT workers to the NT for periods of three to four years, providing valuable opportunities to upskill locally-based ICT professionals.


Increasing digital professionals in the NT will benefit the local digital industry through increased access to more highly skilled resources, upskilling and boosting knowledge sharing.

The Territory economy will also benefit through increases in population, skills base and capability.

2019 progress update

The Welcome to the Territory incentive program released a part of the NT Population Growth Strategy in November 2018 includes digital jobs as high priority occupations that are eligible for relocation and retention bonuses.

The Northern Territory Migration Occupation List also identifies many digital occupations, where highly skilled foreign professionals can be nominated to migrate to the NT.

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