
Advance Telehealth and Telemedicine adoption and use

Consider and review the evolution of supporting technologies and increased bandwidth in regional and remote areas to support improvements in the use of Telehealth and Telemedicine in the delivery of health care services.


Consider and review the evolution of supporting technologies and increased bandwidth in regional and remote areas to support improvements in the use of Telehealth and Telemedicine in the delivery of health care services.


The use of Telehealth and Telemedicine in the delivery of health care services has been maturing over many years aided by the evolution of the supporting technologies and increased bandwidth in regional and remote areas.

This initiative will advance adoption and use of these services by the Department of Health and non-government organisations providing health services in the Territory.


Increased use of Telehealth and Telemedicine services enable patients to receive quality care closer to home, improving access to specialist healthcare for people in regional and remote areas and reducing the need to travel for specialist advice.

It provides service providers with access to peer support and enables increased clinical service productivity.

It will also aid in managing health service costs by reducing patient travel expenses.

2020 progress update

A concept paper has been submitted for a Regional Clinical Trial Coordinating Centre for oncology. Funding has been requested from the Australian Digital Health Agency for a Digital Health Communities of Excellence Program in the East Arnhem Region.

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