
Kristin is a Darwin local and has always had a keen interest in maths and science. Kristin became particularly interested in technology after participating in the National Youth Science Forum during high school.

She was drawn to computer science/software engineering and it gave her the tools to quickly develop solutions to complex problems, and enjoys the problem solving process. Kristin has a passion for cyber security and realised how common it was to be a technology user without understanding the associated security risks. She started tutoring various cyber security courses at UNSW and eventually applied for the job at Google in Detection and Response.

Initially, Kirstin was hesitant to pursue a career in technology and was worried about feeling isolated due to being a female from a regional/remote area, who are underrepresented in the industry. By going for her goals, Kirstin has met so many incredible people and get a lot of satisfaction from the work she does. She cannot encourage Territory women enough to pursue a career in technology, and finds it so incredibly rewarding.